Sunday, September 16, 2018

Let's SKATE!

Lily's words...

'THIS was the BEST birthday EVER!' :) :)

You throw in her friends....cake...presents...FUN and LOUD music....and skates....and her day is made!

And..that all happened Friday night!

So much fun!

THIS girl has been READY for months for this day to get here! She has had her outfit picked out and laying on her counter, in her room, for weeks! :) :)
These girls are the sweetest of friends!
She ROCKED skating! My goodness...she is a pro! Like really! She was the ONLY one out there...the entire time...that had her own skates! She went around and around and was singing and dancing the ENTIRE time! She didnt want to leave! I had to tell her it was 9:30 for me to get her out! :)
Sweet big friends!
Two peas in a pod!
Love how these friends have been close so quick!
Nan and Pawpaw....Gran and Ben were there to round out the family along with Daddy and I! :)
Having fun!
This girl had a blast too...and there is just WAY too much sass in this picture! :)
Lily LOVED her cake! It was rather warm in the cake melted some...but it was still sooo cute and soooo good!
Happy birthday to YOU!
The WHOLE gang!
Three musketeers! They have been best friends since they were tee-tiny! :)
Present time!
She loved all of her if you cant tell by this picture! :)
My little unicorn who is one of a kind!
So sassy! These three closed the place down! They kept more more time! :)

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