Sunday, September 16, 2018

Rome Hot Air Balloon Festival and MORE!


we didnt slow down this weekend!

We literally went all night Friday with Lily's birthday {got home at 10:15pm} up Saturday and had ready and then headed to the games. Got finished with the games at around 2:30, then came home threw some non-WET clothes on and headed to Rome, Georgia for the Hot Air Balloon Festival. Got home {at around 9:45} then got up....dragged to Church, then right after Church had our Sunday school class lunch at a cute home then turned around and headed to Ryleigh's birthday party! Got home around 5:00pm!

I have not sat down until now and Im playing catch up on EVERYTHING! :) {Especially since our kitchen looks like it threw up all things birthday party!} :) :)

Not to around 1:00am and then again at 2:30am..I fought off a darn racoon that has learned to OPEN the plastic tub that is HARD to open...and preceded to eat all of Tickles food. So, I got zero sleep!

So, just a glimpse into my weekend world! :)

There were SOOOO many people at this festival. Apparently this biggest in the state! It didnt seem jam packed despite of allll the people! We walked around to see all the vendor booths and just strolled and waited for the balloons!
We actually left and went to eat at Olive Garden before coming back to perfect timing of them trying to get them ready!
These two were wowed by the balloons! I was too! I didnt realize how HUGE they were!
Watching them get bigger while enjoying shaved ice!
They were really neat! I have always wanted to watch them fly! They didnt get to go up in the sky due to the wind...but it was still sooo neat to watch! I cant wait to maybe one day actually see these things in the high air! I also...would LOVE to ride in one someday! {Bucket list!} :) :)
So cool!
Then today after Church and lunch with our Sunday school class...we went to Ryleigh's birthday party! It was a tea party where the girls brought their favorite doll! So cute! We had a great and fun weekend! Blessed!
{Now..where is my BED!} :) :)

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