Thursday, September 20, 2018

TOTALLY surprised!

These three had NO idea a surprise was coming!

So...Lily and I pull up to Java Jolt after cheer practice tonight and she goes...

'Mommy, what are we doing here....are we going to a party?'...'On a school night??!'

{because apparently it was Trivia night at Java Jolt...had no idea so it was crowded}

I was like yep...we are! ha!

So, then we get in there and she sees her friends and gets even more confused! So...we all chat and drink our smoothies and eat..

and the whole time Lily, Hope and Madelyn are wondering why we are there and why I brought in 3 gift bags!

I tell them that it is for Mrs. Emily and its just socks and they all just think that is the dumbest thing on this planet!

So...after about 20 minutes....I tell them to line up and close their eyes! They all are like 'WHAT is going on?!?!'....

And then they open the bags and LOVE the shirts and are just going crazy with how excited they are that we are all going to a concert together and are going to have a girl's day!

So fun and such fun memories!

The countdown is on!

I love how Lily has just as sweet of friends as Alexis! It is neat, to me, to see how both Alexis and Lily have their own set of friends..and how they act with them, etc!
WHAT is it?!?!! bahaha!
Reading...and trying to figure it out!
Madelyn was the 1st to read it and figure it out...and then they all three started squealing! :)
So excited!
So cute and such a fun friends night! :) :) :)

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