Thursday, September 13, 2018

Lily is 7 today!

OH...I cant believe she is 7! MY oh MY time if flying by!

You want to talk about how excited this little one is about her birthday day?!?!! There are just no words! She has asked me for much longer until her birthday! She asked me last night if I was going to decorate her door for her birthday 'Like you always do Mommy!' She was just ONE excited little girl!

So..this morning...she was SOOOO happy and surprised to see her door and goodies when she woke up! She requested doughnuts for breakfast so she was sung happy birthday by us as she blew out her candle in her birthday breakfast doughnuts! ha!

Nan took cupcakes to her school for us and Lily was SO excited about it! She was super excited about getting to wear Mrs. Ramsay's birthday crown and button too! She also came home telling me that she got to eat out of a blue tray at lunch because it is her birthday! ha! :) She went over to Nan and Pawpaw's after since she had her 7 year old well check visit! She got to open her gifts from them and BOY was she pumped that she finally got the mermaid tail and blanket that she has been loving to have! :)

Then tonight at cheer practice...everyone sang her happy birthday! Her afternoon was made! :)

I asked her before bed, just a little bit ago, if she had a great birthday day...and her response was YES! :)

Im so glad she felt special and had a great day!

She can NOT wait until her skate party tomorrow night! :) :)

Her first official picture as a 7 year old!
She just LOVED her decorated door! :)
OH this girl!  LOVE her!
And..this is Lily! :) :) A mess!
She ate some of her doughnuts before she even blew out her candle!
She loves the blanket..and laying on Nan and Pawpaw's couch!
And..OH she cant wait to swim with this! :)
Triplets at cheer tonight! These three are such sweet friends! It made Lily's night to be with her friends on her birthday...and them all sing to her! :)

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