Sunday, September 30, 2018

The Ville's Homecoming!

We are loving football season so far...especially because the Jacksonville Golden Eagles are undefeated and have been playing some great football!

The weather has been great...the company before the games, for dinner, have been great...the girls having fun with friends have been fabulous! We love Friday night lights!

It takes a village to raise a child! OH my....with dance practice flipping and flopping with times and dates...thankfully Carmen's parents snatched up the other two for us and took them to practice! Whew! They love spending time they were thrilled! :)
Friday night! Whooo hooo! These three were super pumped to be hanging out together!
These two chicks were happier! ha!
After dinner with the Fritts and Adams....we headed to this! Jacksonville Homecoming against Piedmont! WHAT?!?! say!?!?! Yes, we were all thinking somebody was super crazy to have Jacksonville play Piedmont on Homecoming...but we WON! It was a great game too!
These two love running around and having fun together!
Sweet girls! Such a fun Friday night!

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