Saturday, September 1, 2018

Game day Saturday!

Game day Saturday is HERE!

Both girls looked So beautiful!

I love watching them shine and have fun doing what they love!

Alexis' new adventure of trying danceline has been fun for her! ALLL the shimmer and shine that comes with being on the danceline is right up her alley! was HOT today...but it was a blue skied pretty couldnt ask for better!

Now, we are home and Auburn is ON and they are on FIRE for their 1st WHOOO HOOO to a great kick-off to Labor Day weekend!

This girl lovesssssss CHEER!
 #seniordanceline {HASH-TAG Senior danceline!} :) :) She supported her little sister before her game today!
 These sweet girls are a mess! :)
 Ella decided she wanted in the family picture too! :)
 Doing her thing!
 GOOO Eagles! We came out short today with a loss...but those boys played hard!
 Bang...bang..choo choo train! :)
 So pretty in gold!
 Sassy girls!
 Doing her thing too!
 They did a great job today!
 Great picture!
 They did a great job today even with a couple missing in the line-up!
 Senior danceline!

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