Thursday, September 13, 2018

Life lately!


busy busy...livin life to the fullest!

What have we been up to lately?!

Homework, ballet and jazz practice, school, work, Church, SLAM, tests, cheer practice...AND celebrating a certain little one turning 7 today! you spot anyone that is FAMOUS...that you may know?!?! this picture?!
Go ahead...take a GOOD look! :) :) I do a morning scroll through mean hey!...that is the BEST place to catch up on the news of the world right! :) :) I am scrolling..MY face pops up on the advertisement!
TALK about a WHAT face going on! I know...I know...the picture of the back of my head is not going out all around the world...but I sure did think it was cool to think that Im on! haha! :)
 Today we showered Baby K! It was a fun shower...and always fun with this crew pictured with me too!
 We all cant wait to find out if Baby K is a boy...girl...and what his or her name will be too! There is just SO much that we are ready to know! :)
 After the two were crammed in the back like two sardines! We were PACKED full with all the goods! :)

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