Tuesday, January 28, 2020

3 things!

It's one of my favorite posts!

3 things!


1.  SO......us other family members scratch our heads, daily, with some of her antics. Let me explain...
She walks around the house all.the.time. every.single.minute.of.every.single.day. doing different arm motions, head shakes, etc. There is an app called Tik Tok. Well, she doesnt have this....thus because I am known as the 'meanest' Mom ever because she does not have a phone but her friends watch these videos from that app so she learns the dances. So, she is constantly doing them. Let me just say, it is never ending and somewhat very weird that she doesnt stop! :)

2. She is about to try-out for JR. High cheer in a couple of weeks! She set a goal back in November to get her back handspring so she can do it during try-outs set for February. There have been several people say that it would be surprising if she got her back handspring before try-outs. Well, not only is she doing it, she has her round-off back handspring too! Super proud of her and her determination and drive!

3. BIG things are coming her way! Not only is she just blooming in terms of looks, etc... she starts HIGH school in the Fall! WHAT!?! I just can not wrap my head around how fast time is just flying with her! And, for the record, she is turning into a 'high schooler' more and more....every day!


1. OH Lily! OH how I wish she can stay 'little' forever! That is just not the case though. For example, just the other day she informed me that she will no longer be wearing hairbows with 'cool' outfits. Her meaning of this went....'She said, okay Mommy, so this outfit that I have on, I will not wear a bow with it next time because I think this outfit is cool!'
I looked at her like she had 10 heads! ha!
So, I go...'Well, okay, what makes it cool?'
She goes, 'Well, its cool because I like it and it is stylish. So, when I wear something that I dont think is cool, I will wear a hair bow with it....okay?!'
yeah....okay! ha! :)

2. So, this morning. She comes in to me while I am getting ready for work and goes into this whole LONG conversation with me about how when she marries Knox.....she cant have cats.
My response to her is 'Wait...so...what...youre marrying Knox?!? You like Knox?!?! Does Knox know you like him?!?! Does he like you?!?! And....why cant you have cats when you marry him?!!?!'
My head was spinning a little! :)
She goes, 'Well, he is allergic to cats...so we can not have any BUT I will still work and take care and help cats {because she is SET on being a Veterinarian} but I will have to wash my clothes at work and then bring them home so he will not sneeze.
yeah...okay! :)

3. She has BIG things happening soon also! She is trying out for a new travel soccer team called STORM! She is super excited about it so we have big prayers she makes it! She will also be trying out for B-Team cheer coming up in the next month or so as well! So, just growing...growing...growing!

So..for the rest of us! Nothing much really on my end! I am in the midst of loving the Bachelor right now! Love that show!
Tyler...well...he got EMPLOYEE of the MONTH at JSU for the month of January! Super proud of him and glad his hard work is paying off!
Tickles and Aubie...well, they are still the same...just enjoying lounging and eating! ha! :)

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