Friday, January 24, 2020

Well...we said our goodbyes....



we are not guinea pig people....

we have determined.


I had heard...

I had read....

I was told...

that they poop.

I knew it....

I did....

that it was alot...

BUT...I had NO idea that it was literally as much as it was!! told me HOW much they poop!

I would clean the cage and literally even before it was clean, where I had them 'playing' would have 50 poop pellets!

And...poor things...they dont know...they would just run around all over their poop because they are not like cats and dogs to where they poop and pee in one area, etc...NO...they would poop everywhere! EVERYWHERE!!

It was just so hard to take care of them. Feed them. They had to have fresh veggies....every morning and every night which entailed a huge mess as well.

So, I had a talk with Lily.

Though she was sad to not have them anymore because she has been really helpful and has loved them and been a great 'Guinea pig Mommy'....I had to explain how we just were not able to love them and take care of them like they deserved.

So, since she will be having soccer starting soon....and then here comes Summer with vacations...she understood that there would be little time for taking care of them that it was best to take them back to the pet store so they can be adopted to new loving homes.

So, last night...we said our goodbyes...and took them back. Cage and all.


I am sad because they were so sweet and adorable.

BUT...OH...I have way toooooo much else in my life that I actually HAVE to do...and take care of...and clean...and so on and so on...that.....doing the guinea pigs too....just was not working!

Lily is glad that they will have loving homes and knows that at least we tried!

It didnt help that Coconut bit some of her hair off the other she has held on to that to another good reason that maybe we should get rid of them because she doesnt want to go bald! {Well...okay then..we can use that...though she isnt/wasnt going to go bald. I just went with it because it helped smooth it all over with us needing to give them back!} :)

I tried...and I tried hard. No regrets. I loved them. I took care of them. But...whew...Im done now.
Lily gave them both a hug and told them bye before we loaded them up. Alexis had no concern about them as she hadnt even cared about the fact that we had them.

Tyler was doing a happy dance all the way to the car...

Lily and I, well, we were the ones that truly cared.

Bye Coconut and Pepper.

We hope you have the best new home!

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