Saturday, January 25, 2020


So, Lily tried out for a travel soccer team this morning! was chilly outside....and BOY was it wet too.......

but she got out there and gave it her all!

We wont hear back for a while as to if she made it or not so we have high hopes!

She loves soccer so she is super excited about it if she makes the team.

And....she even said she wasnt cold or wet/dirty at all because she was out there playing hard!

I wish I could say I didnt freeze! ha!

I am so proud of her and how hard she tried out there! Prayers for her and whatever God has in store for her! No matter what, she'll have a great season coming up as soccer season is getting close!

Kicking the ball around before getting ready to show her talents!
We got back from tryouts and got cleaned up and the girls are now with Gran watching Dr. Doolittle movie. I am snuggled with my my chair...doing my current status! :)

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