Tuesday, January 21, 2020

The rest of our long weekend!

The rest of our long weekend consisted of trying to stay warm and being at home!

The girls had SK over for lunch and to 'hang out' after Church Sunday. Then when it was time for her to head home...not an hour later we had 'big' Lily and Hope pop over wanting to 'hang' out too!

So the girls got to have some friend time before we loaded up and they spent the night with Nan and Pawpaw so Tyler and I could have a date night....and day! :)

These two always have a great time with each other and I am so thankful Lily...and Alexis have sweet friends that live near us!
Hope has never held a guinea pig before so it was funny watching her!
Tyler and I had the privilege to have dinner and a movie Sunday night and then Monday morning, we headed to B'ham to enjoy some alone time with shopping, lunch and a hockey game!
The Birmingham Bulls!
It was SUPER cool to meet and sit by this guy! Noah Galloway! He is best known for placing 3rd in Dancing with the Stars TV show!
To say our 1st hockey game was an experience was an understatement! Learned alot about hockey! It is intense to say the least!....especially the fans, the throwing punches and the ammonia smell! ha!
We had a great time...just refueling with each other! It was much needed and loved hanging out with him!

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