Sunday, January 12, 2020 Pepper!

So, when we went to choose Coconut, yesterday, there was another guinea pig that we just loved.

Well, at the time...

we just chose CoCo....

but once we got home and saw how we loved her and realized...she needs a friend..

we went back today and got Pepper!

Meet Pepper!

Pepper is not Alexis...and she isnt really Lily's as she picked out CoCo since she was approved by Santa...
So Pepper is all of ours! ha!
Our two new fur babies!
Coconut LOVES oranges! My goodness she eats them so fast! She also loooovves lettuce! Pepper nibbled some on all of it but...whew Coconut likes it all alot!
And....beautiful weathered weekends....our drive-way is FULL! :)

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