Sunday, January 5, 2020

Our 1st weekend!


what did we do during our 1st weekend of 2020?!?!

We kept it low key and full of rest to gear up for our 1st full week back to school and work!

Friday night...we kicked off the weekend with dinner with the Fritts, Sorianos, Christophers and Adams. It was a much needed catch up dinner.....for the kids! ha! They acted like they havent seen each other in years! :)

Then Saturday....we literally did nothing...and it was fabulous! That afternoon....these two acted like they havent seen each other in years! We headed over to their house to celebrate Camille turning the BIG 5!
Camille had a winter wonderland themed party!
And Lily won the cookie decorating contest! All of hers were really good and pretty! She did a great job...and we were all impressed! Several people said she needs to go on a cookie decorating show!
Then today was full of Church and lunch followed by nothing else the rest of the day!

Just what we needed on our 1st weekend of the new year! I would say we started it off perfectly!

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