Saturday, January 11, 2020

We made it!

We officially survived our 1st week of school and work!

It actually want that 'bad' either!

I love to get back into our groove and schedule of life so I have been ready to be back in action!

Lily kicked off 2020 with it on her science experiment! She loves alllll the experiments they do with Mrs. Nelson!
And....yet another fun one and this time Bennett was her partner! make 2020 great thus far!.........THIS! She is rocking 2nd! All A's, again, for this one!
Alexis is rocking 6th like a champ! She got All A's and 1 B! Her B is an 89 so......I actually count that as an A! :)
She didnt want a, I still felt the need to say how awesome she has been doing! :)
And....last night...we watched LaLa in action! She judged the Miss JSU pageant! So of my Nursing students won too! It was a great night!
Nannie came with us to watch!
And....OH...a memory FOR SURE!
So, Pam got all of 'us girls' this device to where if you get kidnapped....all you have to do is pull this 'plug' and a VERY LOUD...screeching...ear PIERCING...HORRIBLE noise starts blaring! To which the said kidnapper will let go of you and therefore you are safe!



Nannie managed to pull her PLLLLLUUUUGGGG in the MIDDLE of the dang pageant! LUCKILY it was right before the full action started!
She yells at me [as everyone in the ENTIRE building is looking over at us horrified at whatever that noise is as no one has any idea what is happening..} I'll just sit on it!

Yeah...Nannie....that will NOT work...

and it will NOT make the noise less ear piercing...

So...I grab her purse....squeeze that stupid device to try and drown out some of the noise and take off to the very back of the auditorium...{because..yep...Im in the very front!}

So....I finally find the 'plug' and stick it in so it will cut off!


The people.....people who know me that work at JSU...on and on...and ON....


Totally EMBARRASSING! And I had a lot of explaining to do as people were thinking they were going to have to rush out because there was a fire and that was the fire alarm!!

OH all I can say!

Never a dull moment....

and there were some people there...who once they found out what was going NOT going to let me live that down...



Even Lana was dying laughing because she was at the judges table and she knew immediately what the noise was and knew it had to have been because of Nannie!

Again...OH ME! :)

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