Saturday, February 19, 2022

CATS day with Lily!

 Alexis booked it to Winter Church camp last night after her cheer tryouts. Since it is a long weekend our Church had youth camp and Alexis was SO excited about going! Sweet Macey and her Mom had to stay late, as well, because Macey had cheer tryouts at Pleasant Valley so they both missed the bus so Mrs. Kelly took them and I think Alexis was most excited about that!

So, today...Daddy and I took off to Birmingham with Lily and enjoyed some shopping, lunch and then to see the Broadway show, CATS, today!

It was such a beautiful day and we all loved our day!

I just HAD to snap this picture! Lily LOVES some Trader Joes! It is a MUST when we hit Bham...every time! She is waiting patiently  in line to check out! ha!

PF Changs for the WIN! Of course Lily requested it! SO good!

The girls!

After shopping and lunch....CATS!

I have to say....I have been to a lot of Broadway shows. My Dad would get tickets from his work and then put them in my name so when I lived in Bham, I would go often to shows with friends before Tyler and I got married. (The year I lived in Bham by myself before we got married) Well, I have never seen CATS. Always heard about it. Always knew it was one of the most popular and known ones. Well.....lets just say....we left at intermission. ha! The dancing and the singing was beautiful. The way the performers acted just like cats was really cool....BUT....even I just could not follow. They said way too many big words that I had no idea what they were talking about. It bounced from one random scene to where I just was lost. Well....imagine if I felt like that....HOW Tyler and Lily felt! bahaha!

Tyler was dying! haha!

Lily kept saying...'I dont understand'....'what is happening' the point that I think people around us could hear her and wanted her to hush. :) So.....when intermission started....I said...'okay, its over lets go!' Tyler knew it wasnt....Lily was like...'Really, its over...what just happened?' (see she was confused the WHOLE time!) :) Then I had to explain that we were just leaving that it wasnt over and she goes 'GOOD....thank you for taking me, I loved the dancing but I just didnt understand.' bahaha. I gotcha girl.....I didnt either. :)

'Jellicle' cat....a 'jellicle' cat....with Tyler doing his impersonation, will forever be a hilarious memory etched in my mind! :)

So, it was a bomb.......................and not a good bomb...a bad one....just in our opinion! :)

But we had a great day anyways! :)

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