Saturday, February 19, 2022

We have a Varsity cheerleader!

 The day Alexis found out that the cheer coach was strongly pushing for her grade cheerleaders to have the opportunity to tryout for Varsity instead of another year of Jr. High, she was ECSTATIC!

She was just so happy that the coach thinks so highly of her group of 8th graders that she wanted them on Varsity!

Well, last night....that happened!

Alexis worked so hard to learn the material (they literally only had 2 1/2 hours of cheer camp) and was so proud of how well she thought she did at tryouts!

I cant wait to watch her shine on Varsity during her FRESHMAN year!

(I cant believe Im saying FRESHMAN!)

 She was number 14 out of 21! Just look at her!

Number 14! There it is!

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