Thursday, February 10, 2022

Lily and all the Valentine's goodies!

 Lily LOVES Valentine's day!

She is my child who loves the little things, loves to do little things to show her love and is very sentimental with her thoughts and words.

For example, the other night at dinner..........{remember she likes to have us 'do things' while we eat} she had sticky notes for us to write 2 things we love doing with whomever was written on our sticky note.

I had Lily.

I wrote...........1. I love to watch you play soccer 2. I love to watch and listen to you practice piano.

Her response...............'Thank you Mommy, but, the two things you said......arent things you do WITH me.' 


so see, she wants to hear the little things!

So...this week...she has loved wearing allll of her Valentine's day attire leading up to Monday! So much so...she actually wore some last week too! :)

Here are some that I snapped before school that I could catch her to get. Alexis....on the other hand...not happening for her to let me take a quick pic. Oh well!

Love this cute shirt on her!

Love red on her!
She wanted a picture with Soccer since he wanted some loving!

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