Monday, February 7, 2022

Our weekend!

 It always seems that the weekends just go by so fast! 

We had a great weekend....even with it going by super quick!

We kicked off Saturday by running errands and cleaning and doing all things home based. You the toilets, get the idea. It was a nice and low key day with Tyler grilling to cap it off!

Sunday was full of Church and then we headed to Aunt Pam's because LaLa, Chase and Meg came over so we could get to meet Maggie via facetime!

These two loved this pop-it game that Pam had. They played against each other the whole time we were there and just laughed and laughed. 

Seeing Maggie! She was SO alert and she would look over and you could tell she was listening to us all! It was so good to see her!
Then last night we hosted a Valentine dinner and it was so good! House full of kids and laughter!

Just some of the decor I did! I didnt take a picture of the dining room table set like the others but it was too and that was for the adults only! We are back in the groove today...ready to tackle the week!

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