Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Love day!

 I love Valentine's day though I dont at the same time.

We (as in Tyler and I) dont celebrate it..............as we should both be nice and love each other everyday and not just one day out of the year! :)

But.....we got the girls a little happy with literally a Squishmellow for Lily (she loves those stuffed animal things...and I dont think she is ever going to grow out of it no matter her age!) and Alexis.....well....she got some goodies such as a back massager brush for the shower and some body wash. (You know....when you get older...gifts sometimes are just more necessity type things!) :) They both loved their little gift.

Then, Daddy wanted to take just his biggest girl out to dinner, just him and her, since time with her is limited due to all the things she is in to. So, they went to Effinas..............

while Lily chose where we went....

we ended up at Cookout! ha!

Oh well...nothing fancy for us and we were both just fine with that! We hit MadHatter for a treat before heading home and then I worked on an assignment and then she curled up beside me and watched a movie until bedtime! 

It was a great and low key night!

Diving in to their goodies!

My Valentine!

Daddy's Valentine!

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