Sunday, March 6, 2022

Days like this!

 I cherish days like this!

This entire weekend has just been absolutely beautiful! 

Its days like this that I just LOVE...LOVE...LOVE! 

Get outside...make memories...soak up the sunshine...I just cant get enough and I am so thankful that Winter is becoming a thing of the past!

We had the best Saturday! We stayed at home and did all the, laundry but then the girls and I took off on the trail! 

I cannot wait for when the weather turns beautiful and we have a chance to ride!

The sunshine, breeze, fresh air, the chats, the laughs, the looking at all the blooming flowers, Lily ringing her bell at everyone we passed just made my heart smile. Memories that are something small and stress free....but that I hope the girls treasure as much as I do!

Just love!

We enjoyed the park for a little bit! We played, jump roped, checked out the creek, and just took a little break before we started back with the ride.

Last night we enjoyed the JSU basketball game! I have to say.....its the best game I have watched allll season and I have watched a BUNCH of basketball here lately! JSU lost right at the end to end their season! BOO! Lily had fun at Madelyn's bowling/spend the night party while we were at the game! She came home this morning, before Church, saying she had a blast but didnt go to bed until 1:00am so she is tired! {she has never gone to bed that late!} :)

Calhoun just loves his 'Joe!' He pretty much was like this the entire game! ha!


These two! Yesterday and even as I am typing today....we have had both the front and back doors open to just soak up the beautiful days. Well...these two have SO enjoyed just this picture and enjoying it too. They both dont move. Dont try and go out. They just smell whatever smell it is they get a whiff of {its funny to see their noses scrunch up and down!} and are just in wonder of what is going on! ha!

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