Sunday, March 27, 2022

Our last leg of Spring break!

 Us girls TOOK off!

Whoo hoo!

Sun....sand....beach....relaxing...good food and just plain happiness!

Exactly what we got at the beach with LaLa, Gran and Aunt Pam!

We got there at lunch so we ate lunch and then decided to hit the outlets and all the shops. Lala, Lex, Lily and I had a great afternoon of shopping at all the places since it was somewhat overcast outside. We got back and Lily swam for a little while before we got cleaned up and headed to a fun dinner out by the bay!

The pool is heated and Lily was in Heaven!

Alexis wearing her new outfits I had just gotten her!...and LaLa got her new earrings!

A picture in the big chair! We walked around and enjoyed the views, etc before going back to LaLas to curl up and watch a movie and wait on Aunt Pam and Gran to get there.

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