Sunday, March 27, 2022

The rest of our girl's beach trip!

 So we had Friday and Saturday full of nothing but beaching it and sunshine and just perfection of days!

We sat out by the ocean alllll day and soak it all in. On Saturday we hit the pool for a little while before heading to get cleaned up for dinner.

We had a great time!

First full day we hit the BEACH! The weather was perfect! The slight breeze was perfection! Lily played and played in the sand!

This side...we sat and sat and soaked up the sun! :)

Then these two played together! Love seeing them be nice and spend time together!

Group picture before we headed to clean up for dinner.

Dinner ready! We did more shopping and then came home and watched a movie! Perfection!

Last full day it was a little breezier this day but that didnt stop us and it was nothing but blue skies and sunshine!

This one was ready to play again!

Can you spot Lily!?! She loved climbing up in the treehouse! 

After we ate....These two ziplined! 
Gran up first!

Lily is behind the trees! Literally!

They zipped down one way over the water and then back! She had a blast!

LOOK at her go! No fear Lily!

Us two watched by the water! Such a fun and nice area!

Then LaLa joined us so Aunt Pam snapped from across the water!

Group picture on the big chair!

This picture cracks me up!

We ended with another movie night............after shopping some more. We for sure got our shopping in....and then got up this morning and headed out! Fun memories made and huge thanks to LaLa for inviting us!

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