Sunday, March 13, 2022

Our low key weekend!

 It was a cold one this weekend. I mean...we started getting warmer and just beautiful weather and then BAM...Winter decided to still be around!

SNOW on Saturday! It didnt stay long {thank goodness} but even though the snow left, it was cold!

We also threw in soccer practice for the first time this week............AND............a time change too! I LOVE that the time has changed! Its my favorite!

Lily was so excited to have practice. She loves soccer and has a ton of friends on her team this season! She's excited!

Friday afternoon we went over and helped these two get ready for their first Daddy/Daughter Mother/Son school dance! Being their first dance is a big deal! Cassell CRACKED me up as I fixed her hair. She twirled around in her dress {that is a dress that Alexis wore when she was in Pam and Richard's wedding!} and then Calhoun didnt want to wear what he had on because he kept saying...'It ISNT a fancy dance party! bahaha! 

Then Saturday...SNOW! It wasnt enough to get real excited about so the girls had no desire to go out in it. I was glad because that meant I didnt have to clean up wet clothes and shoes. :) We laid around and stayed warm until it was time to get Lily ready for the Daddy/Daughter dance. Lex and I had dinner and did some shopping on our own while they danced the night away! Today...its back to being beautiful which I am SO glad! And...tonight it will get dark later! WHOO HOO!

And then look at the very next day! Sunday was beautiful! Lily came in begging to put on shorts and a t-shirt! :)

She enjoyed playing the entire afternoon with the neighborhood gang! Ryker, Abby Grace, Andrew, Lily, Brody, Bryant, Madelyn, Rachel, Callie....and this little girl, Caitlin, that is new crew! :)

You can see Brody in his white shirt bending down in the very back of the picture...these two were supposed to be counting to try and find the rest of the group as they were playing hide-n-go-seek...but they were too busy talking instead! :)

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