Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Life after Spring break!

 We are rolling into the middle of the week since our Spring break and to say it is hard to get back into the groove.....WHEW.....that is an understatement! 

All the things are happening this week including but by no means limited to.....the girl's school starting back, our work schedules, our personal master's classes, soccer for Lily, piano for Lily and cheer for Lex. Im not even sure I have included everything because its hard to keep up! ha! :) But...we are loving it all and surviving it all so we are good!

Meanwhile..............some random happenings from our life after our Spring break week!

Lily got her Spring pictures from school in! These dont go into the yearbook picture...so they really dont hold any importance and I never order these type pictures...but I love to see them and take a picture.........of the pictures! :)

And...Im come home from work to this happening in the front yard! An intense soccer game..........with Ryker! {today I came home from work and walked in the house to see these two sitting in the kitchen as Ryker was helping Lily with her IXL homework. His response was 'I am good at this 4th stuff since I am in the 5th!'} :) He's the same age as Lily but not in his grade....but there, of course, something about being in "BIG" 5th grade compared to "baby" 4th! :)

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