Saturday, March 19, 2022

Out of the Office

 We are officially out of the office and it feels sooooo good!

Tyler and I took off Thursday afternoon and enjoyed our Spring break earlier than normal because we grabbed tickets to the March Madness game in Greenville South Carolina to watch AUBURN vs JSU!


the days when our worlds collide! 

We had to wear JSU attire..................which we didnt mind at we were rooting for JSU......too.....some what.....



it was hard to not stand up and yell loud when Auburn made ALL the great plays they did! ha!

JSU played a great game and kept up pretty well with Auburn so they should be very proud though they didnt come away with the win.

Tyler and I enjoyed dinner and alone time this weekend then caught up with high school and even college old friends and even current friends through dinner and the game! 

We had a great little get away together!

Thanks to Reggie we had great seats and enjoyed watching with him and everyone too!

Us JSU and Auburn fans! I wore neutral. IN my opinion my outfit was more JSU because it had black in it. Well....I did  NOT live it down that I didnt fully support JSU with my outfit. I beg to differ. OH well! :)

Lets GO...lets GO!

Then we ran into high school peeps! Caught up with them for a little bit during half-time! Good ole SHS reunion at the game!

Auburn WINS! Great game...great atmosphere and Tyler was a little boy in a toy store with the fact that he got to be at a March Madness Auburn game!

We went to dinner with the Rays, Dodie, the Messers and then Seth got to come visit since him and Lindsay live there. I was SO sad Lindsay is out of town but super glad Seth came and we got to catch up! We sent this picture to Lindsay saying she should be in this picture too!

Such a fun little trip!

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