Sunday, December 31, 2023

New Year's Eve!

 Happy New Year's Eve!

Always one of my favorite nights!

We headed to Bham to have some fun and try out Top Golf since we have never been! I have to say...I played SO good! :) ha! 

We did couples....and Tyler and I WON! Whooo hooo! I beat Brandon and that is all I cared about! :)

We enjoyed dinner after...then some shopping and the Messer girls are currently spending the night with us and I hear nothing but laughing and music as I am typing this post!

We got home just in time to see our neighbor's firework show................straight out our front door!

I mean AMAZING! 

No telling how much Justin spends on all the fireworks he does...but I am here for it! ha!

Beats Disney....I mean everywhere! NO doubt! 

Ready to hit some balls!

Some cute girls....acting like they are great golfers! ha!

Always fun with these two!


Lily....trying her hardest! 

I mean...she looks the part!

But needing some advice from her Daddy!

New Years Eve dinner! The girls..and the Messer girls....picked the place! Little Donkey it was! So good too!

Love these friends of ours!

Back at home............and WOW!................the fireworks!

I mean.............outstanding! We had the BEST day to finish out 2023!

When we celebrate.........5 once!

 When your friends move STATES away....

and they come in to town.......

you celebrate ALL the things...... at once! :)

So...we celebrated Christmas, birthdays, football/bowl games....and New Years! one afternoon/night! :)

The best!

We had 3 birthdays to celebrate!!

We made it happen!

Them checking out their goodies after we all sang! :)

Alllll these kiddos!

Fake New Year's Eve! :) :)

Last leg of our ski trip!

 We enjoyed exploring Maggie Valley after our days of skiing! We ate at two really great restaurants both nights!

Then Friday we were up bright and early and headed to Gatlinburg! 

We had the Old Mill for breakfast and then hit the outlets before making our way back home!

We had a great dinner at a seafood/Asian restaurant! YUM!

Then we checked out the cute shops and boutiques before heading back to the cabin! I always wanted to be back before dark...........because of the ride up! ha!

Then a great steak place! It was decorated SO adorable for Christmas!

Then on the ride to G-burg..........LOOK! I mean...a frozen paradise! Pictures just didnt do it justice at the amazing views we saw on the way in!

We had a perfection of a view at the Old Mill for our great breakfast!

Love him and our adventures and memories together!

Then.............on the way home....

THIS happened! :) could have been worse....we could have been further away from home than we were....

but when Tyler's truck broke down and left us stranded..............yeah....he headed home with the wrecker while us girls did THIS!

They literally read 


We were in who knows where.............nowhere...........Georgia........... 2 hours from a location with nothing but a nasty Shell gas station and this Dollar General! So...we hung out here for an hour and a half until good ole Pawpaw came to our rescue! ha!

OH the memories for SURE! :)

Goes down as one of my most favorite trips yet!

More of our ski trip!

 I mean.................look at these pictures!

The girls are pros!

Such great memories made!

Ski school first! Meet the instructors...also known as your Dad! ha! 

He taught them well! favorite! Family picture!

I mean..........I have been waiting for what seems like have a picture like this! :)

Just so proud of her! A natural!

Two pros right here!

Lily and I heading up on the lift!

Both girls are up there somewhere.......about to come down!

Look at them go!


We went skiing!

 I was the ski trip was going to go....

because, you know............its a new thing....its is not easy by no means to learn to ski....the fear of someone getting being very tiring...and cold....

I was SO hoping the girls would not hate it and be miserable.....and cry...and want to go home...


THEY blew my mind!

They both MASTERED skiing in NO time and were going down the slopes like champs!

We had the most perfect weather...............

and just had the best time on our trip!

We had the best road trip and enjoyed being together, eating fun places, sightseeing, shopping and more!

We headed to Asheville on the first stretch of our trip and had the best time! I love there! We strolled, ate, saw the sights, and then headed to the Biltmore!

We ate at Pack's Tavern and it was GREAT!

Lily would not stop eating to smile! :) Just so cozy and the perfect space!

We headed to Hendersonville too and enjoyed the shops and of course the Mast General store! TONS of candy! OH me!

A guy with his girls!

My guy and me!

The Biltmore! The area around (the town) was amazingly beautiful! We didnt get to go in to view the Biltmore because it was so dang expensive...even to just drive to it! we went to the gate/entrance and called that a win! ha!
We made it to Maggie Valley and our cabin after our 1st full and fun day! The girls LOVED the cabin!
The loft was our favorite to hang and watch movies together!
Our view! I mean WOW! get to this view.....yeah....Lily said she had her butt puckered so much that it was stuck and would not ever be the same! bahahahaha! But...once we got to this..amazing! :)

Two mountain movers!

We skied Wednesday and Thursday...and then cleaned up each day for dinner and shopping after! One night on the way back to the cabin....we saw ELK! 
We had seen signs everywhere about elk crossing.............but I just didnt think we would see so many! I LOVED seeing them! 

Monday, December 25, 2023

Christmas Day!

 We enjoyed Santa....and then relaxing a little bit before heading to Nan and Pawpaw's for Christmas!

Yummy food....Christmas movies, Christmas games....and presents! Doesnt get any better!

I loved this view! They have been loving working on this puzzle together!

Christmas morning girls!
I snagged a picture!

And another one with another girl too!
This crew was ready to dive into gifts!
Checking out the goods!

Loving some money!
Brother and sister!
It was a great Christmas day! Now...home to clean....and pack! Maggie Valley here we come! :)