Friday, December 22, 2023

Tyler and I found snow!

 We went last year so we were excited to go again this year and SO glad I went because this year was SUCH a great time! 

I was way more comfortable skiing and the weather was perfection and with us going with Josh and Kelli Moses and their family....along with the rest of the crew....was icing on the cake!

THIS is what we drove up to! This cabin was huge and fantastic! It had everything and BEYOND for what we needed and so nice!


This was the view from the front porch! Beautiful with the snow!

Inside was SO cozy!

This was where we got to claim! And...this is where I stayed allll Tuesday night once we got there! Curled up there with my book and then once I finished it....Netflix and I was in Heaven! :) The rest of the group went night skiing and I passed! Hearing how cold and the blowing of snow...I made the best decision! :)

Tyler sent me this of his night ski time! SEE...yeah...cold! :)

He had a great time though! I enjoyed being warm in bed! ha!

Up and ready the full day! I did a couple lessons down the baby slopes to warm up and then I was ready!

The view from the ski lift! Just a gorgeous day!

My new friends! This crew.....Tori, Raylen and Jackson and I hit the slopes together!

At the top and ready to head DOWN!

We skied two days and it was perfection before heading home! So fun!

We got home around 9:30pm and this was the full crew! We were tired and it was a good tired! :)

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