Sunday, December 31, 2023

New Year's Eve!

 Happy New Year's Eve!

Always one of my favorite nights!

We headed to Bham to have some fun and try out Top Golf since we have never been! I have to say...I played SO good! :) ha! 

We did couples....and Tyler and I WON! Whooo hooo! I beat Brandon and that is all I cared about! :)

We enjoyed dinner after...then some shopping and the Messer girls are currently spending the night with us and I hear nothing but laughing and music as I am typing this post!

We got home just in time to see our neighbor's firework show................straight out our front door!

I mean AMAZING! 

No telling how much Justin spends on all the fireworks he does...but I am here for it! ha!

Beats Disney....I mean everywhere! NO doubt! 

Ready to hit some balls!

Some cute girls....acting like they are great golfers! ha!

Always fun with these two!


Lily....trying her hardest! 

I mean...she looks the part!

But needing some advice from her Daddy!

New Years Eve dinner! The girls..and the Messer girls....picked the place! Little Donkey it was! So good too!

Love these friends of ours!

Back at home............and WOW!................the fireworks!

I mean.............outstanding! We had the BEST day to finish out 2023!

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