Saturday, December 23, 2023

Christmas with fam and Christmas Eve early!

 Today we had Christmas with the fam and Gran hosted. We had lunch and then the rest was filled with opening gifts and dirty Santa!

Always a fun time with everyone!

Then we had Christmas with Mom, Ben and Andrew........and Grey since we were already together to save having to do it tomorrow so the girls were pumped about double gifts in one day! :)

The Great Grands! This is the first time that Grey has really been around Maggie and Reese! It was the sweetest watching them!

Nannie with her Grands!

My crew ready to open gifts!

The reason we have Christmas! This crew right here!
She LOVED playing with Grey! He was not sure exactly what they were doing but every time he would pass it back to her............she would grin and smile and just light up about him doing it with her!
Then once everyone else was gone...this crew passed out gifts and were READY to open!
My beautiful Lex!
My beautiful Lily!
This boy was excited about every gift!

My two loved helping him and seeing his excitement!

Their turn!
All the fun things! Now tomorrow is Christmas Eve! Whoo hoo!

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