Friday, December 22, 2023

What a year....what a year! Reviewing 2023!

 We had such a great 2023! There were some lows and there were some highs and then there were some really big highs! Lily is full on little lady with just growing like a weed. She is full force teenage mode even though this upcoming year she'll actually turn 13! Alexis is all the things turning into a young adult. She is trying and so looking forward to 'being grown and can drive!' All helped shape this little Law family and I look forward to what 2024 holds as it is going to be a BIG year!



We kicked off the year with what we now know to be our last beach trip with this crew. day...we will have another but it will never be the same since the Messers have moved to Texas!

 Tyler, Lily, Chris, Camille and I all did the Polar Plunge for the 1st time! It was a fun experience and a memory for sure!


This was a big month!

Of course we celebrate the month of love BIG time!

1st Runner up Miss Jacksonville for this beauty!

1st time in Jacksonville High HISTORY............the cheerleaders went to NATIONALS!

Us girls had a great couple of days enjoying Disney!

Watching them shine and do a great performance!
Such a fun and majorly BIG experience! SO proud of them!

Then...back at home....REGIONAL CHAMPS!
This beauty...along with alllll the guys :) enjoyed their Elite Night!
Sophomore year of cheer........she made it!


 STATE CHAMPS again this year! Two years in a ROW! Whoooop whoop!

We welcomed baby Miles into the family! He is the MOST sweet little baby ever!

This one just turned into a little lady! Her 5th grade Daddy/Daughter dance!

With her Daddy!

Our first time in Guntersville and ziplinning! SO much fun and the best Spring break trip!

We enjoyed a rare date night of getting fancy and having a great time together!

We celebrated Easter!
And...two BIG birthdays of Nan-70 and Brandi-50! Tyler and I also had our birthdays this month!
Alexis was honored for her great grades and hard work!

Lex was a Diamond Doll for the 1st time.....for Nick!

I GRADUATED with my Master's! OH happy DAY! :)


We welcomed another sweet baby...........GOLDIE! Love!

Alexis became a DD Rat! She was shocked that they came running into her room in the middle of the night!

This picture represents to BIG things for Lily!..............Her awards day for all of her hard work AND her LAST day of 5th grade!
Her first official picture.......with NOOOOO more braces!

This was the 1st year of our annual beach trip without both Tyler and Alexis. Alexis had her normal cheer pattern of mandatory practices because of cheer camp that she had to attend and then this year, Tyler had to go home because of his Master's final comp papers that he had to complete! It was weird and sad to not have them both but Lily........still made friends (notice they even had matching bathing suits) and had the best time anyways! :)

Alexis got her BIGS for DD! She loves Peyton and Lindsey and so happy to have had this year to get to know them more!
Lily's BIG highlight of June was attending 4-H Camp again. This year was the BEST...per her...because more of her closest friends went too! Rachel and Reese!
Sophomore year....ALL-American! So great!


I mean...turning 15...HUGE!.............getting to turn 15 at the beach....and a water park......I mean... SUPER highlight!

Always the best visiting this crew!

She not only passed her permit test....but the NEXT week.....passed her driver's test and boating test too! Now.......she just has to wait until she is 16!

Lily became a fish owner since sweet Camille asked her to take Rosie since they were moving!
And...that highlight time....when Alexis had her first DD Ribbon Girl event..... yeah...not really sure what we watched...but the girls all had fun and were dying laughing the whole time! :)


Lily did her first pottery camp and LOVED it! She finished the glazing up in August!

 He DID it! Graduation day for THIS guy!

1st day of school for these two! Sophomore year and 6th grade!
Friday night lights came BACK!


We visited Texas for the first time and enjoyed seeing the Messer's new home! Such a great trip!

Lily turned 12!!.....with allllllll her friends doing one of her most favorite things!

Lex and her Sophomore year Elite Night crew!

Our soccer star in ACTION!
Got to visit with this crew...special because our Cali crew was there was the last big time spending at Nannie's before her big move to Birmingham.

EPIC...and I mean EPIC trip to Washington D.C and NYC! The best trip!

We did ALL the things in D.C!

And...ALL the things in NYC too!
Lily had her last 80's dance with her best of friends!

Of COURSE going to our favorite place is a highlight! Even if the Tigers didnt win the game...we still had the best time doing all our favorite things including tailgating for the first time!

Of course Halloween is our favorite!


We got to spend the whole day with this cutie for the first time and had the best day with her!

Basketball time!
Highlight...Thanksgiving with allll the sides of the families!
December: highlight!

Lily and Lauren mastered their volcano project for the 1st big project since it is their 6th grade year!
10 year service award time and this guy getting Distinguished Service Award nominee! 

BIG highlight for December....THIS for sure! Cant wait to see what 2024 has in store and my prayer is that no matter what is thrown, that I keep Him first and thank Him for all he has provided.

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