Sunday, February 19, 2023

Elite Night 2023!

 Alexis didnt want to go.

She wasnt feeling this one. 

She was tired from the basketball game earlier.....sad because Carli couldnt do her hair because she had a softball tournament...


I knew she would regret it if she didnt and after she finally got ready....

she was excited and had a great time!

She did her own hair...and makeup and look beautiful!

The huge group met on the Square this time and took pictures! I ended up loving this location! Then they all headed to the Pridgens for dinner! We had a great time there (us Mom's have more fun than the kids!) :) before going to the dance!

Love how Alexis has this sweet group of friends to make memories with!

Pretty in white!

So many pretty places to take a picture!

More of the crew. They kept coming and even more coming that we didnt get pictures with!

Love how the sun was setting!

My favorite picture!
She is just growing up!

She can take a city!

My girl and I!
Some of the girls!

Beautiful sunset!

The best of friends!

Enjoying the fun at the Pridgens before the dance!

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