Tuesday, February 14, 2023

More Disney fun!

 Since we didnt progress...the girls didnt have to worry with times to be back for practices or anything so we hit Hollywood Studios allll day and night on Saturday!

We had the best time! The weather was perfect too!

Ready to hit allll the rides!

Hanging and making memories with my girls!

I didnt take really any pictures! Shocking I know! Lex ended her night like this!

While Lily and I ended it like this with other Moms!

Sunday....UP and ready for Epcot!
It was breezy and chilly on this day but that didnt stop us! Lily and her new pet...Remi! :)

She loved walking around with this rat on her shoulder! ha!

These three had such a great time together! That's all I got! The cheerleaders ended the night at the celebration party but first the Freshman crew and their Moms and some other Moms (and Lily and I) enjoyed a fun dinner at Cheddars! Lily and I went back to the house and loaded up and got into bed early since we drove home the next day. Such a great trip!

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