Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Happy Valentine's day!

 We dont ever do much at all on this day.

It is overrated really!

But, I do like to do little things so both girls got a little 'happy' and Tyler cooked us all a great dinner!

We had a great love day!

Before school...checking out her happy! She loves all things bracelets these days so she was so happy to see beads! :) 

And...of course...no picture of Alexis.......but she was thankful for her little happy! She loves tank tops....in the winter time! :)

My Valentine!

Besties forever! Since she comes over every morning...I claim her so she had to get a picture too! :)

As soon as she got home...............she DUMPED out allll her goodies and could not wait to tell me who all gave her a Valentine from school! She got all from her class and eight............yes...eight...personalized ones that the PTO does! She felt loved! :)

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