Tuesday, February 14, 2023


 The time finally came!


They worked soooo hard leading up to it! They were soooo ready!

They gave it their all and left it allll on the mat!

Though they didnt advance to the semifinals, they had a great experience and learned SO much!

We got to enjoy Disney the rest of the trip so that was a win!

So many memories made and such a great time!

The whole school cheered them on before we left! 

We had the best ride there! So easy and not late! Just enough time to get into our hotel, relax and then hit the bed!

This crew wasnt far behind us so breakfast it was to celebrate us being there!

Kids table! :)

Then we went to our house! Perfect for all of us and we had the best time there!

Lily and my room! SO glad I didnt have to sleep with Lily! She is NOT fun to sleep with! She kicks and kicked me the whole night before in the hotel!

After hanging out at the house.......it was time to drop the girls off at their home! :) All-Star Sports Resort!

Hanging out in their room!

Then these three hit the pool before time to have their team dinner and practice! Us Mom's left around this time!

Getting some practice in! Love this picture because it shows what the resort looked like! So fun!

Time to eat!

Then we all went to Disney Springs to shop and enjoy the night before hitting the bed! Lily always loves the Lego store!

Up and ready for Animal Kingdom on Friday! Lily and I enjoyed shopping and a fun lunch before meeting at ESPN for the girls to compete!

Having the best time!

Friends forever!

We made it to ESPN and BOY was it beautiful...and packed with cheerleaders!

This one enjoyed alllll the perks of being on the trip including a double gelato dole whip! :)

Found seats...and READY!

Some of the cheering section!!

After their performance!

This one ended the night with the Castle! :)

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