Sunday, February 19, 2023

Working for the money!

 This weekend I have both girls working for some money!

Lex baby sat sweet Grayson on Friday night!

She called me a couple of times. One when he wouldnt stop crying. :) I could hear his sweet little tired cry in the background. She did what I told her and held him and rocked him...........and she said it worked.

He fell right asleep!

He was tired! :)

So proud of her for overcoming her timidness of doing it and she is learning a lot and love that she has this to do when she is needed!

Lily also is making money this weekend! She is taking care of the Messer's dog, Jack, while they are out of town! 

She takes him out in the morning, feeds him, and puts him up in his kennel at night! 

She is there right now as I type this taking him out for the morning!

I love how both girls are learning responsibility!

She sent me this picture of them playing trucks! :)

Then of the monitor that she said she wasnt going to take her eyes off of...that she got him asleep when she thought she couldnt because he was crying!

No picture of Lily and Jack. I dont like the dog I dont go for that! :)

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