Monday, September 18, 2023

A day to finally see our Cali crew and last moments at Nannies!

 Nannie is making a change this week. For her age, she is as feisty as ever but I think she will enjoy the interactions and not having to keep up such a big home when she transitions to Birmingham. 

We are all going to help her move in this week and I know once she is adjusted, she will love it.

It was be a big change, and a not so easy shift, but it will be for the best in the long run.

I hope Nannie is happy.

Nannie's first time meeting Goldie and all their first time being in a picture together!

Loved holding allll these babies!

Tyler and Lily were the best helpers! Tyler and Miles are best friends now!

Lily pushed these two wild ones for a long time to keep them entertained! ha!
A family picture! Not all of us but we got what we could! We had a great afternoon catching up, eating pizza and just spending time together!

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