Friday, September 22, 2023

A post about Nannie!


She is a unique one. She wants to be unique. She likes to stand out from the crowd. She likes to have things her way. She is not afraid to tell you her thoughts and she expects her thoughts and opinions to be heeded and taken with respect, urgency, importance, and exactly the way she lays it out.

We always know she is the boss and she will make sure you understand that if there is ever a question.

She is still as spunky and up to fashion as she ever has been. She will wear her sequins, heels, and perfume proudly. 

Her hair is done, her outfit is on point and she is proud of that.

Yesterday was a big and new adventure for her.

To be so independent and able to do things herself in her 80 plus some years of life...(she doesnt want to add the other years...) she has decided to venture into a very nice and cozy assisted living facility.  

Her big home is just so much of an undertaking with the yard, etc that this new place will accommodate all of her wishes and desires. There is everything from white, fine dining, tablecloths (that she expects) to bingo to shopping to a movie theater, someone cleaning and cooking for her to more.

Tyler and I had the privilege of helping her move yesterday and taking her to meet some new 'friends' during a 'happy hour' that was happening with an upbeat singing performance and all! Once we got her new 'apartment' put together, I think she realized that it wont be so bad and that she may even like it there.

Time well tell.

And, Nannie will all....if she ends up not liking it and doesnt stay. So we shall see. She is giving it a 'go' so hopefully she will adjust and understand her 'new normal' and embrace it.

 I know it has to be hard and really tough to leave her life of going when and where she wants, having a nice big home, getting her hair done, going to her dances with her friends, meeting a new boyfriend, all the things Nannie did and enjoyed.....

but still having some independence but knowing that she will be able to rest easy having care (if she needs it) and someone to  take care of all the things like cleaning and cooking, will hopefully be a stress relief for her and she will be happy.

My prayer for her is that she is happy.

I think she will be.

If she gives it a full chance.

Nannie has always been a 'one of a kind' person. Never a dull moment with her around, that is for sure!

I cannot even tell you....or many shoes................. Nannie has given me over my adult span of life. See....I am the only one in the family that has a small foot (mind you, not as small has her foot....but she thinks I can squeeze my foot into her shoes....and though I have told her my shoe size is not hers....she still thinks I can squeeze my foot. So I take them. Every time. There has been sometimes where a pair actually fits me. I have maybe three pair in my closet right now. But most of them...are too small or just plain old. What I mean by that is.......

Every single time.............. she will tell me to 'Take these shoes, they will fit you....and they are expensive shoes....that I have only worn once.' 


remember, I cannot tell you how many bags and bags of tons and tons of shoes she has given me over the years......

I have NEVER met someone that has as many shoes and clothes as she does. Like it is shocking. Really. Some clothes...she hasnt even ever worn. Still has tags on them. 

But the shoes....

if I were brave enough........

I would ask her....

what the heck did you do that one time you worn these shoes.................

because they are falling apart....some even look like she got attacked by an animal or something...or I just dont even know with some of them! ha!

I dont want to know...and for sure not brave hear her answer if I were to ask her ....'You really wore these only one time?!?' :) :)

So, until the days she passes, I will keep getting my bag of shoes....sometimes some of her clothes (one time she gave me an old bra.....of hers...and can I just tell you....that doesnt match up AT ALL!).....

and smile and say thank you!

I got a bag full but these three were my favorite that I got yesterday. Zoom in. You'll laugh. The brown pair is taped together and alllll scraped up. The red pair is so worn on the inside and the black and white pair....the sole came out when I was putting it back in the bag. :)

It makes me smile every time she tells me to take them. :)

Tyler and I got to enjoy 'happy hour' with her and her new friends. That was an experience!  :)
These two worked hard to get her settled and to make it feel like home.
Oh Nannie. You are loved. I think the most proud she ever was of me....was one Christmas several years back, I wore a black sequined pants outfit. You should have seen her face and how much she talked about how she just loved that I had those on...the whole night! :)

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