Saturday, September 23, 2023

Our soccer star in action!

 Soccer is back! It is here!

It was a warm one but a beautiful day to be outside watching our soccer star!

She scored two goals today!

She was on fire!

No matter the chaos of coaching, schedules, practices...whatever....

she loves the game!

The came up short by one today but they played hard and have a good team! It is fun to watch them and I LOVE the fact that the girls on the team....will be GREAT to watch next year in HIGH SCHOOL!

Say what!

Im excited! :)

This girl! Loves the game!

She also loves to boss her teammates too. But she quickly corrected me...that as her position on the field...she is supposed to tell her teammates what to do.


all I know is....she likes to be bossy! :)

So proud of her for assisting with two goals and then making two herself! They have gotten good at passing to each other and helping each other out!

It was a nice day!...and whew, I got some sun!

The sweetest! This little one needs to learn to tie his shoe...especially since he is in Kindergarten now! he is the pro at teaching how, since he taught both Alexis and Lily when they were in Kindergarten.....
tried to teach Grey. It was so funny. After a couple of times of showing him....he goes, 'Tyler, I want to go play!' ha! He didnt care about learning when playing could be had! :)

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