Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Our last day in Texas!

So....goodness...Monday came so fast! I just dont know why time has to fly so fast when youre having fun...but, it sure did while we were there!

We got up and Tyler and Chris had an egg cooking 'cook-off!' Talk about hilarious...but all I will say is one was 'bad' really 'BAD' according to one child specifically (because the girls were all the judges on who had the best)  and the other's eggs won...while the other's was claimed to be cheese grits instead of eggs. 

I have laughed and laughed!

There was a lot of competition to be had! These two had so much fun together!

Lily was so surprised when we brought out her birthday cake and started singing 'happy birthday!' I mean...that is the reason we were on the trip and got to where we are!

Lily was upset that Madelyn and Camille would not be there for her before the Messer's even had a house sold in their name...we had our tickets for the trip booked! ha!

After swimming, etc, we cleaned up and spent the rest of the day in Fort Worth! The Stock Yards was a great experience!
This was pretty cool to see!

Just beautiful with the cobblestone roads and the wood, etc! So cool!

Bob's for lunch! It was huge and the girls got a kick out of seeing all the famous people's cemented hands on the walls!

We headed back home and then us adults had a fancy dinner out while this crew had pizza and movie at home to cap off the great trip!

We got up bright and early and saw them off to school before heading to the airport and heading home!

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