Sunday, September 10, 2023

Lily's friend birthday party!

 She has been planning this....



She has been SO excited about her birthday!

She had the best time and we all skated our hearts out! (And we may be feeling it tomorrow!) :)

Family picture! Alexis had a DD event so she was bummed she couldnt come.

Sweet friends!

Allll the roller skates, neon, glow, and fun!

Friends forever!
They all had a blast!

Racing time! They all voted to have Lily get a head start since she was the birthday girl!
She was ready to win!....though she fell half way around! ha!

She is 12!

Super excited to have her favorite party!
All the glow!

My girl and me!

Grey did SO good! By the end of the party...he was skating by himself!

They skated and skated!

She was very specific with the theme of her party! fingers and parts of my hand, are stained black! Just wow at how those cupcakes were good but the icing....gracious! Everyone had black mouths...tongues..fingers and all! ha! It may be several days before it wears off! :)

Our 12 year old!

They were so loud singing to her .....that the entire place was watching and the DJ even commented on it! ha!
All the fun in one picture!

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