Monday, September 18, 2023

Sophomore year 2023 HOCO dance

 Alexis and Sydney had a full day of pampering and just enjoying a fun day of getting nails, hair, lunch, and shoe shopping before the dance. They met up for pictures and then about 20 of them ate at Yamoto before heading to the dance! They topped off with Claire's house and then all spending the night together!

I hope she soaks up times like that because it will all soon be the past and the 'good ole days' that are just gone so fast! 

She said she had a blast so I hope she made a ton of memories and will always remember her high school years with smiles!

These two enjoyed playing alllll day and spending the night together, too, since their big sisters were busy!

Pretty in pink! Everyone kept saying she was Barbie! :)

My beautiful girl

Just gorgeous!

Her and her DD sisters!

Love these three!

A big group of great girls!

Love all the dress colors!

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