Thursday, September 28, 2023

A cat, co-workers and a bunch of students!

 What does a cat, my co-workers and a bunch of students....have in common?

Nothing! ha!

Just a bunch of randomness from this week!

This cat is rotten I tell ya! He has the life!

This was our view while we ate dinner the other night! He had not a care in the world!

I had the pleasure of working the high school College Fair and it was fun seeing all the high school Seniors and seeing faces that I know. It was a good day!

And then this....!! :)

I have not laughed...crying a while...

Tammy still doesnt know what we did! Her office...didnt smell so good! OH, it was funny. She may kill us when she ever finds out...but we are hoping that she will never! :) 

Its fun to be back in a building all back together! :)

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