Monday, October 2, 2023

Our weekend!

 Do you spot them?

They are out there somewhere! :)

The weekend was full of football, cheer, soccer, football more and all the things!

Alexis and Lily's teams both won too!

Lily is out there somewhere!

Her team was ready to play and did a great job!
There she is! You can spot....the only one...with the black socks on!

Alexis is out there somewhere too!

Big WIN against Ohatchee..and it was their Homecoming!

Yeah...ALL OF MY Pinterest trys fail. Every single one!

This was supposed to be a Mummy! ha! Do you see it?!?!

We enjoyed football food and fun at the Ray's Saturday night. This was a laughable moment when I took this over! :)

Church girls and lunch on Sunday with alll the fall things! We had lunch with Nan, Pawpaw and Brandi at Hubbards! YUM!

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