Saturday, October 14, 2023

DC part 2-the Cathedral!

 So...we had an early night because we had an early morning FULL of all the things Washington DC! :)

We attended the 8:00am Church service at the historic Washington National Cathedral. It was AMAZING. I have never seen anything like it. And...of allll the beautiful buildings in Washington and NYC (and all the other places I have been and seen) this was the most beautiful structure I have ever been in. It was huge and so intricate! 

We toured around before the service. I was in awe!

To know how old it is and the history of it and the prestige...just amazing!

Getting ready!

For sure different from what we are accustomed to. It was Episcopal so we read alot and the took Communion. It was such a great service and sermon! This service did not have the choir. Only the 11:30 service to which I would have loved to have attended but it didnt fit into my itinerary that I worked HARD on! :)

Just gorgeous!

I couldnt even take pictures of how tall and wide it was. The pictures just do not do it justice!

The grounds were amazing too!

The garden! :)

Us leaving to catch the Uber and go on to our next adventure! 

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