Monday, October 30, 2023

Our weekend!

 We had a busy one!

Started with the BIG win against White Plains! Left them scoreless! BOOM! :)

Saturday was full of cleaning, prepping for Halloween...and then Tyler and I had a date night as we went to a wedding of one of his co-workers! 

It was a great evening!

Lily got to enjoy time with Nan and Pawpaw while Lex was full of all things DD! 

She had her Halloween DD party and had so much fun with her friends! A bunch of them went to dinner after and just enjoyed Saturday night!

Sunday Lex had her cheer competition and Lily had Callie's birthday party so Tyler and I divided and conquered! Lex's team didnt do so well but Lily....had a great time spending time with her best friend! :)

Forever my date!

Our rat!

All the rats in their final time before they are a sister!

Lex and her bigs!
Lily and her best friend forever!
She loves Kelby too!
All the girls and alllll the pumpkins! :)

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