Saturday, October 14, 2023

NYC-Part 2!

 We slept in a little bit on this morning. We didnt know what to do with ourselves but we were enjoying a little more sleep but excited for our next adventures!

We walked through and enjoyed Central Park during the day and its beauty!

Things to note:

1. The weather is a little cooler than expected and what the weather reads due to how tall the buildings are

2. You cant really tell the seasons. Meaning I thought I would see all the Fall things. I really saw none. There isnt much greenery so the leaves changing didnt really show and then they dont decorate for Fall like I decorate for Fall/Halloween so my expectations and hopes of seeing all the Fall things didnt really happen. I guess because it was so over the top for Christmas and just beautiful, that I would see it like that with all the Fall and pumpkins. What I did see that was decorated, was beautiful though I do have to say!

3. Busy...busy..busy....

4. Everyone was in a hurry. We didnt have to be in a hurry but we felt like we were rushed because of us being with the crowd. That New York real!

5.When you sit down at a restaurant, it is water only (in both Washington and then in NYC) and the Johnson's............just could not understand that! :)

Central park view as soon as we turned into it!

Recognize this view! Home Alone 2 with Kevin! :)

Exploring Central Park!

Love this group!

I found ONE...'Fall' spot! They allllll refused to take a picture here (because they were like...we cant...its where people live...blah blah blah....and I said DO IT!) ha! I thought I would see a ton of decorated areas...but I enjoyed seeing this one very much!

The famous Plaza! I was sad we couldnt go in like we did last time we were in NYC. Oh well. We saw the outside though and a gorgeous new crystal chandelier that I dont remember from last time! It was huge!


OHH....I remember when Alexis wanted a necklace...the last time...that was $8,000. Well, Lily caught the Tiffanys bug and saw a bracelet... that was $4,000. Yeah....they have some expensive taste! :)

Deciding what they wanted to beg me to buy them! :)

I only thought Alexis had expensive taste.....


This one...does too!

See..she fell in love with this one! :)

On to the next and Tyler's favorite! He explored every inch we could!

We were not able to go in last time due to the high security and safety checks because Trump was President. This time we could and it was super unique! If you look real close, you can see our reflections as we are coming down the long escalators from the top!

Tyler's favorite picture!

The one spot....I saw happiness! :)

Taking a break!

The window displays did not disappoint...but I have to say...they are SO SO SO much better at Christmas! I want to go back during Christmas again. I have the itch, because it is just magical! 

Next on...we headed to Radio City!

And..I found some more pumpkins!

And...FAO Schwarz! Whooo hooo! It was huge and everyone got in on the fun of the toy store! We checked out Louis, and Kate Spade and all the expensive shops too!

And..of course Rockefeller Center! It is so different when it isnt Christmas. I want it to be Christmas here!

The crew!

Macaroons and sorbet for the a fancy....very fancy and expensive chocolate store! More to come!

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