Saturday, October 14, 2023

NYC-Part 1!

 We got up bright and early and headed on the subway to Grand Central Station to start of new adventure in NYC with breakfast at Pershing Square (amazing) and then heading to the Statue of Liberty for the Ferry tour to see it! We stayed on 77th street right close to Central Park so it was a beautiful but quiet area that we enjoyed!

A couple of notes here:

1. The whole group (except me) already did not like NYC because of the Subways! They were super spoiled by Washington DC that as soon as they got on the subways in NYC...they hated the city. I convinced them that they havent even seen anything to give the city a chance!

2. They gave the city a chance.

3. They still all love Washington better but said they enjoyed NYC

4. They love the clean air in Alabama and the slower pace and bigger spaces to live. :)

5. Tammy and Nick....( not so much mine because we actually drink water. Tammy and Nick drink NO water and nothing but Dr. Pepper) realized that at all restaurants...they give you water immediately and dont ask what you want to drink. (because you are supposed to just drink water) so they were shocked when they were not asked what they wanted to drink...for them to say..Dr. Pepper...for them to not have said drink....and then they just have to drink water. It was really funny to experience this! They both actually called Alabama...Dr. Pepper world and that they were ready to get back home to...Dr. Pepper world. ha! Shake my head! :)

6. Walking.

7. You walk

8. That is what you do.

9.Not so much mine....because we are more 'active people' but them not realizing you a city...was pretty funny!

10. That's all for now! :)

Of course she's fancy! She and her latte! 

My man and I. He said this was he most favorite place to eat when we were replaying our trip!
Love this picture! We strolled the city while heading down and saw and took in this culture! 
Ready for the ferry!
Oh my goodness such a beautiful day! The ride was perfect and so lovely to be out on the water and see the city and all the surrounding. It was so nice!
It was exciting to see us approaching the statue! It looked SO small but once we were to was HUGE!
I just loved to look over and see this view. It was refreshing!
Two their best life!

This guy too!

There she is!

We are tiny! :) 

We made our way to Macy's to see where the Thanksgiving day parade goes! We checked out Chinatown....Little Italy....and shops too!
Not walk around a corner...and see the Empire State building!

Law and Order...yeah, we love that show! This is where they come out after alll their cases! :)

Of course...check out the Bull and Wall Street!
And then....9/11 The new One World Observatory. The tallest building now in NYC. Just amazing!

Just no words! We checked out both the north and the south memorials.

Then we made our way to Times Square and did all the things! Shopping...snacking...people watching....and all the things!
My little family in Times Square!
All the shopping!
....and then street performers! They grabbed Tyler and he was part of their show! So funny! They turned his hat backwards and put his glasses back on him! ha! Then...they pulled me up there and didnt know we were married. It was fun!

He is famous now! :)
So, he gets Dad of the year and husband of the year award! :)
Next up, finishing out the night with dinner and Broadway! :)

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