Saturday, October 14, 2023

Part 4-the last of Washington and HELLO NYC!

 We had our last day in Washington and ended it on a fun and high note at the FBI headquarters! Yeah...super neat! Especially neat because Alexis Johnson is wanting to hopefully be an FBI agent in her future so it was neat to see all the things and the behind the scenes things of the FBI where she can potentially be!

Due to the high security...we were not able to take pictures. BOO....but I understand! :) This was the only one we were able to take! We all felt super cool and special with our badges they gave us!

Once we finished up with the FBI, we had just enough time to make it back to grab our luggage....make it to the train and have lunch before boarding!

Our last Metro bus ride! It was so nice and easy (well we didnt think too easy until we went to NYC and then we were like...Washington was a breeze! ha!)

And the other side!

We made it on the train! This was all of our first time and it was so cool! You didnt even feel that we were going as fast as we did! We had a 3 hour ride through the cities, towns, lakes, rivers, beautiful scenery! SO glad we got to experience this! Tyler is already wanting to book another train trip! (that is huge for him too!)

Lily's first train ride! She watched a movie and colored and drew the whole time. Tyler and Alexis both took a nap! :)

I mean...I just stared out the window! :)

See..what I got to enjoy! We made our way to NYC...and to our AIRBNB before heading for a stroll to Central Park since we stayed right beside it!!...............and then ending with a great local pizza spot for some NYC pizza! perfection!

Our Central Park picture during our stroll to dinner!

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