Monday, October 23, 2023

Auburn bound!

 We always love to go to Auburn! We always have such a great time! It is one of my most favorite places to be!

Though we didnt have the win, it was a great game, a perfect day and we loved every minute of it all!

 Alexis drove us all the way to Auburn! I sat in the back with Lily and she made us matching Auburn bracelets! :)

We have a ton of favorite places to eat but this time we chose Newks! YUM! My date!

The other side!
We did a ton of shopping and then had to hit the favorite picture spots!
Goooo Tigers!

And War Eagle!

Then we went and checked out AGR! We have taken the girls before but this time they had a band playing out front so we gave them a tour...listened to the band for a minute and then caught up with some old friends that we ran into while there of Tyler's! many memories here with this one!

Good times!

Tyler and his girls on the balcony!

After...since it was such a beautiful day....we tailgated for the 1st time! It was SO nice and so fun! The girls both bought new books while we were shopping so they sat with the shade tree and the breeze and enjoyed reading!

So nice! There was a band we could hear so it was just so nice to sit and enjoy the day before the game!

Time to head to the game! It was a BIG game against Ole Miss and the 1st night game of the season so it was packed!

Found our spot!

I mean...the view!

Just gorgeous!

They turned the stadium orange! Super cool!

I have been to a TON of Auburn games...and seen a TON of halftime shows......but this one was AMAZING! They really did an awesome job and alllll the lights!.......super fun! We made it home after and geared up for the next day!

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