Saturday, October 14, 2023

Part 3-Washington DC

 The next morning...we had special tickets to visit and tour Capitol Hill so we got up bright and early and took off for our fun and full day!

Things to note:

1. Washington is beautiful! The architecture and landscaping is amazing!

2. The Metros and Metro have to pull the handle to make it stop. Otherwise, you will miss your about four stops...because you didnt know what to do! ha!

3. It is a constant to note, how much further to walk?!?   .4 miles left sure sounds better than 4 all I am going to say! :)

Ready for our tour!

Want to know what the 'dome' looks like on the inside of the Capitol Hill building?!?! THIS!


Fun fact...each state donates two statues from their state. We got to see each state's that was selected! There is a big selection and submitting process to be able to have the statue in the building. It was neat to hear all about it!

The Ronald Reagan statue!
After we had brunch at Old Ebbits! It was old Washington feel and exquisite and delicious!

The White House time! We were not able to secure a tour for this due to our schedule and when they had times open but we got to see it and realize that it is much smaller than we thought!
Us with the White House!
Not a bad view!
The White House!
Next up...Fords Theater! To picture it back when it was the time of Abraham Lincoln...just gives me chills!
To picture me sitting there watching a show! Laughing...and then seeing a President...being shot! Just WOW!
Right over there! The Booth. Just chills!
To see that is exactly where he was sitting. Never thinking he was about to be shot!
He was rushed across the street to the Peterson's home where he died at 7:00am in the morning. To know he lived that long after being shot in the head was crazy!

The room and bed. Chills!
Last stop before a great and fun experience (of us eating cow tongue :) at Oyamel's Mexican restaurant-so cool!) was Arlington National cemetery! Just beautifully straight row and row after row...after row...after row....
Pretty neat how we just learned and visited the JFK museum in now see where he was buried! And the eternal flame and Jackie's grave also!

So neat watching the changing of the guards!

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